Mwenge Catholic University

Lux Mundi - Light of the World
Latest News: Legal Aid Week Ongoing at MWECAU Latest News: Call for North Intensive Programme (NIP) Belgium: 22-30 March 2025 Upcoming Events Field Practical Training Upcoming Events University examinations Upcoming Events Opening of 2024/2025 Academic Year


Studying at Mwenge Catholic University is a great way to enhance your career. In today’s competitive environment, professionals need the skills to adapt to an ever-changing world.


Studying business at UniCamp is a great way to enhance your career. In today’s competitive environment, professionals need the skills to adapt to an ever-changing business world.

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Mwenge Catholic University prepares students with the transformative experience and to be well-rounded leaders whomake a positive impact on the world.

Welcome at Mwecau

Postgraduate Programmes

Mwenge Catholic University offers a range of bachelor, associate, and honours degrees. Undergraduate students benefit from the extraordinary resources. Browse our undergraduate programs and find the right one for you.

Welcome at Mwecau

Undergraduate Programmes

Mwenge Catholic University a range of Undergraduate degrees students benefit from the extraordinary resources. Browse our undergraduate programs and find the right one for you.

Welcome at Mwecau
Welcome at Mwecau

Non-degree Programmes

Mwenge Catholic University a range of non-degree programms student benefit from the extraordinary resources. Browse our non-degree programs and find the right one for you.

Learning Abroad

Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU) offers students the chance to boarden their academic and cultural horizons through international student exchange programs. Partnering with prestigious institutions such as Inland Norway University of Applied Science, Mary Immaculate College in Ireland Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium, and the University of Georgia (UGA) in the United States, MWECAU provides a platform for student to engage with diverse global perspectives. These opportunities enrich their educational experience, enhance intercultural understanding, and strengthen their global networks.

Career Development

Mwenge Catholic Univeristy (MWECAU) provides students with the opportunity to engange with contemporary issues critical to todays's society, offering speciaized courses in area such as child protection, executive management, servant leadership, entrepreneurship, and digital marketing. Through these students gains practical skills and knowledge that prepare them to address modern challenges, lead with integrity and thrive i dynamic business and social environment. MWECAU equips graduates with the tools to make meaningful and global workforce.