Mwenge Catholic University

Lux Mundi - Light of the World
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About Mwenge Catholic University

We prepare students to make meaningful contributions to society as leaders in a complex world


Welcome to Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU), a University that gives you the opportunity to pursue quality education in truthfulness and freedom of thought, so that you may gain professional competency to boldly serve and contribute to the development of humanity. In order to prepare for your future career or pursue academic and professional advancement, be it education, administration, sciences, law and/or social sciences, think of MWECAU as your best choice.


Our community is being called to reimagine the future. As the only university where a renowned design school comes together with premier colleges, we are making learning more relevant and transformational. We are enriched by the wide range of experiences and perspectives of our students, faculty, staff and alumni. Preparing students to make meaningful contributions to society as leaders in a complex world.

MWECAU Mission and Vision

Vision is to be a “leading University that sets a national, regional, and international example in Education and Training, Research, and Consulting as well as Community Service.”
The mission of the University is “to produce professionally competent, innovative, and committed graduates who are grounded on professional excellence and moral integrity for provision of quality services to Tanzanian and the global community
Core values

The University will model, both in attitude and in behaviour, a strong sense of acting uprightly and act with honesty, sincerity and high ethical standard of love of God and neighbor.

Our commitment builds confidence to our stakeholders.

The unicersity will deliver its programs in such a manner as to ensure academic rigor and relevance and commits us to challenge ourselves to utilize our God-given gifts - intellectual, social, physical, spiritual, and ethical. Our goal is to produce the highest quality.

We recognize and live up our responsibility to our students, campus resources and community at large.

It moves to understand the gifts and unique contributions of every person in the University community and to value diverse perspectives and value life.

Our community work together to support our vision as well as our student's success.

The university will work to meet the learning demands of the individual student through quality program and a supportive learning environment.
The University is dedicated to St. Joseph the Worker, with the motto ‘‘Lux Mundi’’ which translates in English to “Light of the World.”

Life at MWECAU


Education and life at MWECAU is affordable for everyone.


Education at MWECAU has limitless possibilities. Our courses are taught by esteemed faculty members.

Inspiring student's life

Our residential system creates more opportunities for learning with peers and professors from different backgrounds.

Partner Institutions